Greetings from Black Educators Rock, Inc. My executive team and I invite you to join us for the the 4th Annual ROCK Conference.  We are looking forward to collectively collaborating to answer the clarion call as we Encourage, Inspire, & EmpoWEr!

2019 ROCK Conference Registration

Member Registration: $299 

Registration includes: Conference Materials, Entrance to All Conference Events, Friday Luncheon, & Saturday Banquet

Individual Registration: $379
Registration includes: Conference Materials, Entrance to All Conference Events, Friday Luncheon, & Saturday Banquet

School/District Packages Starting at $199/Educator (10+ Educators)

Registration includes: Special Recognition, Conference Materials, Entrance to All Conference Events, Friday Luncheon, & Saturday Banquet

Vendor Registration: $250

Vendors receive conference materials and a 6 foot vendor table throughout the conference

Webinar Registration: $150

Collectively Collaborating


Answer the Clarion Call


Dr. Melissa Chester